from the chaos journals

words scratched from my forehead like athena but i am no zeus, just one lost photograph looking for time


It was a bright and shiny day when she first found herself unable to move.

Well, that's what she told herself after she closed her eyes again. It was a bright and shiny day.

It almost worked. Almost enough for the blood on the walls to lose color and the straps to loosen. She took a deep breath, feeling the clothe press aginst her face restricting her breath and then releasing as she breathed out. Slowly, she wiggled her way out from under the picnic blanket, eyes closed. As she moved, the gaping wounds on her body stretched into sleep-ache from laying too long on the ground. The tigling sensation in her calves was the last to leave her and she opened her eyes, just a little, to investigate. The late afternoon sun blinded her for a moment, but when it cleared, there were no brands - no words glowing in angry red on her lower legs - just scrapes from climbing the tree. Man, had mom been mad about that one. She giggled a little at that.

"It amazing," said a shadow off to her right. "It's simply amazing, how you go from dead asleep to giggly in less time than it takes for you to fall asleep."

She rolled over and onto one elbow to look at him, her vision clearning enough to make out details. She knew him - it was nice to know somebody today. His voice was not altogether pleasent when he spoke to her, as if she had slighted him by either falling asleep or waking up. Perhaps both.

"I was dreaming," she said faintly.

"You always dream, Violet." he replied, titling his head back and sighing. "what about this time?"

"About-" but a monarch butterfly dazzled while playing in a last ray of the dying sun and flew off, taking her attention with it.


Blogger Andam whispered...

WOW! Creepy and intriguing at the same time.

I would worry for Violet, but it's always the people that surround someone like her that need the sympathy more.

Blogger IanBradley whispered...

Jim hears your cries, he responds from his cell, from under the leather straps and sanitized white sheets of his new home he writes, and he asks you not to explode.

Blogger mysfit whispered...

thanks azure and you're right, Violet, at least will always be alright...

jim - i'll try- i'll try

Blogger Chemical Billy whispered...

Oh! this is lovely and unexpected, like someone sidling up behind me and breathing into my ear - lavender-scented breath.

Blogger mysfit whispered...

such a poet CB - thanks :)

Blogger Carl V. Anderson whispered...

Nice, slightly eerie! I like the way the dark dream images juxtapose against the happy images...picnic blanket, sunshine, butterfly. Good stuff.

Blogger mysfit whispered...

thanks carl, exactly what i was trying to pull off - it's nice when it works, even just a little :)


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